速報APP / 生產應用 / When We Met

When We Met





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:203 Richardson Sausalito, CA 94965 USA

When We Met(圖1)-速報App

Our current release is a unique patent pending app that helps you keep track of your contacts. Using the native Android contact interface, When We Met automatically adds your location to the contact record when it's created, as well as the date and time. In addition, you can add tags and events that are in your Google calendar sync with the contact record to allow you to sort contacts by event (i.e a conference). Using the native Android interface, you can easily sort through your address book with efficiency and confidence.

In addition, the app works off of your Google Contacts (Cloud) address book. This means your data is stored securely with Google, and if you ever need to reinstall the app, all your When We Met data is restored automatically.

In summary, with this app, you can:

When We Met(圖2)-速報App

#Add a tag to a new or existing contact to help sort them later.

#Automatically store a nearby street address (plus city and state) when adding for new contacts. The city can also be added to existing contacts.

#Sync Google Calendar events when creation a contact (i.e. A conference in your cal will be associated with any contacts you create at that conference). Please note, only works with Google account calendars, not third-party tools.

#Date and time automatically added to any new contacts added.